Saturday, January 1, 2011

Organized Challenge #1 - Junk Drawer(s)

I woke this morning with some excitement brewing wondering what my first challenge would be. I made breakfast for the 4 year old and a big cup of coffee for myself. Logged onto the computer and went directly to see what Toni at  A bowl full of lemons had in store for us today. I saw JUNK DRAWER (baby steps as she puts it) Alright off I go.....junk drawer...hmmm. I have 3 drawers in my kitchen silverware, wraps and bags, and cooking utensils. They pretty much stay clean but, then it hit me. I have a hutch in my dining room (its really my everything room) and well the drawers are AWFUL !!! I spent the holiday season rummaging through them looking for things and shoving things back in. This was the drawer(s). I gathered my supplies (trash bag, box for donations, and box for things that really need to live elsewhere) I gave the 4 year old a juice box and put on cartoons and said please give mommy an hour.
These are my 4 drawers before........

(Yes that is a drawer full of tarts, I love burning them everyday)

After some purging and thinking "What do I need these drawers to do?"
I washed them all out and even put down some shelf liner too !!!!

Correspondence drawer
note cards, pens, stamps, office supplies, coupons

Tool Drawer
I hate having to drag out the tool box for a quick job

Yes that is an empty drawer !!!!!
I moved my tarts to a couple of pretty glass containers instead.
Not sure what I am going to do with it yet........

Placemats, napkins, coasters and small cookbooks

I can't believe the stuff I found in these drawers the stuff that actually was junk and needed to be tossed !!!
Alright, my drawers are done.
And I'm happy

Now the cabinet under these drawers...well thats another story


  1. Oh... Dont worry the cabinets under your drawers will be given attention very soon! GREAT organizing. ~Toni

  2. wow love them! love the idea of Correspondence drawer

  3. Wow. Nice job! I love the idea of a tool drawer. I have a few emergency tools in mine, too.

  4. I love that you gave them names and purposes!

  5. These don't even look like the same drawers - - great work!

  6. We are hosting "Operation Organization" over at Sassy Sites this month too! I would love to have you come over and link up with us! We are also doing a giveaway to make your junk drawer EVEN cuter!!


  7. Great Job! I had some empty drawers too.

  8. love the liner!

    For a chance to win 3 to do lists printables from IHeartOrganizing etsy store check out my giveaway.
