Monday, August 13, 2012

Shaggy Apple Garland

We are at the final stretch.
7 more days until school starts.
Yeah me !!!
(I survived the summer at home with the 6 year old)

She likes to craft
So part of our entertainment is crafting
So yesterday was one of the lazy days of hanging out at home
in the air conditioning.

I am trying to teach her how to make pom poms.
Using my new craft toy
She is not that coordinted yet but it was worth a shot.
We made pom poms
Shaggy Pom Poms
So we made them into this.....

Made some red pom poms using cotton yarn
Added a small dowel painted brown for a stem
And used felt for a small leaf
Strung them up on some baker's twine.
And hung it up on my Back to School Mantel

It was fast and simple.
It kept the 6 year old entertained for at least 10 minutes.

Happy Back to School !!!

Hanging out with my Friends......

Skip To My Lou - Made by You Monday
Home Stories A to Z - Tutorials and Tips

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