Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween Mantel.......It's done (well thats what I keep saying in my head)

Enough fussing it looks fine
I keep saying in my head.
I keep tweaking and tweaking.
Halloween will have come and gone by the time I decide its perfect.
I keep saying in my head.
Just stop.
I keep saying in my head.

It's done

I had everything on hand.
I did keep a few things from my Fall Mantel
I am still loving my Dictionary Page Canvas
I did change out the fabric to a charcoal grey.
I wanted to keep it somewhat vintage.
Not scary at all.
I only bought the Silhouttes from Dollar Tree.

So my Halloween Mantel cost me $1
And a Happy 5 Year Old = Priceless.
(yes she does talk to these birdies too)

Owl Silhoutte in Frame (scrapbook paper + frame).....easy
Halloween Banner from How Does She?

Halloween Mantel 2011 is complete.
Well, thats what I keep saying in my head.

Hanging out with my Friends.....


  1. I love it. I think it looks amazing.

  2. This has to be BY FAR- my most favorite mantel I have seen. I LOVE IT ALL. Well done. winks- jen

  3. p.s. i love that you framed the dollar store owl like me. ITS PERFECT RIGHT? love it.

  4. wow this is great! Love the book page Jack-o-lantern! Visiting from the eighteen25 link party!

  5. Quit fussing ;) It's PREFECT. Love it.

  6. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your mantle! Great job! XO - Kristyn

  7. LOVE your mantel! I'm with you - I mess with my decorations all the way up to the holiday. Can't help it!

  8. Stopping by from TT&J... I was drawn to your Halloween display... love it! Malia

  9. This is so cute!!!! Happy Halloween!
